
An overview of SER advisory reports and links to the publications pages of each international RBC agreement.

SER advisory reports

2020 | SER advisory report ‘Working together for Sustainable Supply Chain Impact’
Comprehensive legislation in the field of international responsible business conduct (RBC) and cooperation within sectors reinforce one another. Legislation to impose obligations combined with cooperation leads to the greatest impact within the supply chain to prevent and address risks to people and the environment. In both respects, this will require scaling up to ultimately the European level; ambitious efforts on the part of the Netherlands will help to achieve this.

2019 | SER advisory report ‘Seizing opportunities and managing risks – the relationship between the SDGs and IRBC’
More action of companies, governments, citizens and NGOs is urgently needed to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

2014 | SER advisory report ‘IMVO-convenanten’
The Dutch government, representatives of employer and employee organizations, consumers and NGOs expect companies to do business with respect for human rights and the environment. Internationally, this is laid down in the OECD guidelines for multinational companies and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). The international RBC agreements (Dutch: ‘IMVO-convenanten’) offer companies the opportunity to tackle complex problems in their sector in a structured and solution-oriented way together with the government and other parties. The parties to the agreements are committed to achieving tangible results based on the OECD guidelines and the UNGPs.

International RBC Agreements