
Guidance to tackle child labour in the natural stone sector

TruStone Initiative | 05-08-2022

The TruStone Initiative published a guidance to support companies in the natural stone sector to address child labour. Companies that want to learn about how to have a positive impact on children’s rights in their supply chains, will find valuable tips in this guidance. The manual is available to everyone.

Parties to the Metals Agreement visit the A&M Group

Agreement for the Metals Sector | 29-07-2022

How do you work together on due diligence in the metals sector? And what challenges and opportunities does this bring? During a working visit to the A&M Group (A&M Recycling and In2Waste Solutions), the parties to the Metals Agreement discussed this with each other.

Results stakeholder dialogue Rajasthan

TruStone Initiative | 14-06-2022

In April 2021 the TruStone Initiative, NGO Arisa and companies that participate in the TruStone Initiative together with suppliers and NGOs from Rajasthan (India), started an open constructive dialogue. The goal of this ongoing dialogue is to share challenges, good practices and lessons learned and to jointly formulate practical solutions and next steps to develop a responsible and sustainable sandstone sector in Rajasthan state in India. Various results have been achieved.

Six success factors for effective due diligence


Recently, the webinar ‘Successful Responsible Business Conduct: key elements for business leaders’ took place. Various speakers shared their success factors for setting up an effective due diligence system. A recording of the webinar is now available as well as the presentations and the Q & A list.



SER starts project 'Meaningful dialogue in international chains'


Companies which conduct business responsibly take into account the interests and well-being of all stakeholders. The SER project 'meaningful dialogue', made possible in part by the Goldschmeding Foundation, helps companies to engage in dialogue with stakeholders.

Guidance to tackle health and safety risks in natural stone sector

TruStone Initiative | 28-04-2022

The TruStone Initiative has released a guidance to support companies in the natural stone sector addressing risks in the field of safety and health issues at the workplace in their supply chains. The manual is available to everyone.

Side event OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains: responsible sourcing for a just energy transition

Agreement for the Metals Sector | 20-04-2022

The 15th OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains will take place on 2-6 May 2022. CNV International and other members of the International RBC Agreement for the Metals Sector will be organising an official partner session during the Forum. The side event offers the opportunity the learn more about a multi-stakeholder approach to identify and mitigate the hidden risks of the global energy transition in key mining supply chains.

Lessons for financial institutions’ human rights due diligence in the private security sector

Insurance sector | 30-03-2022

Private security companies often operate in high-risk areas. This involves major human rights risks, which are often overlooked in screenings and risk analyses. During a webinar, organized recently by PAX and Achmea Investment Management together with the international RBC Agreement for Pension Funds, experts gave information and recommendations on how pension funds can identify, prevent and mitigate risks in the private security sector. The recording of the webinar, recommendations and useful documents are now available.

Lessons for financial institutions’ human rights due diligence in the private security sector

Agreement Pension Funds | 30-03-2022

Private security companies often operate in high-risk areas. This involves major human rights risks, which are often overlooked in screenings and risk analyses. During a webinar, organized recently by PAX and Achmea Investment Management together with the international RBC Agreement for Pension Funds, experts gave information and recommendations on how pension funds can identify, prevent and mitigate risks in the private security sector. The recording of the webinar, recommendations and useful documents are now available.