
A broad coalition of solar and wind energy companies, industry associations, the Dutch government, knowledge institutions, NGOs and trade unions committed themselves to the Agreement.

Through the Agreement, the companies shall commit to implementing the ‘OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises’ and the ‘United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights’ (UNGPs) in their operations and throughout their supply chains. The other participants in the agreement shall commit to specific actions to foster and monitor the actions of the companies. Collectively, all the participants in the process shall explore, identify and address the risks and impacts for people and the environment in the operations and supply chains of the renewable energy sector. The multi-stakeholder collaboration aims to offer shared solutions to address problems that companies cannot solve entirely by themselves.

Companies and industry associations

  • Biosphere Solar B.V. | Solar | National
  • CI ETF I Coöperatief U.A. | Wind | National
  • Enstall (old name Esdec B.V.) | Solar | National
  • Equinor Renewables BV | Wind | National
  • GE Offshore Wind| Wind | National
  • Groendus Groep B.V. | Solar | National
  • GroenLeven B.V. | Solar | National
  • Havfram Wind AS | Wind | National
  • Holland Solar
  • Jan De Nul Group | Wind | National
  • Mitsubishi Corporation | Wind | National
  • Netherlands Wind Energy Association
  • N.V. Eneco | Wind & Solar | National
  • Natec Sunergy B.V. | Solar| International
  • Novar (old name: Solarfields Nederland B.V.) | Solar | National
  • Ørsted Wind Power Netherlands Holding B.V. | Wind | National
  • OW Netherlands Holding B.V. | Wind | National
  • Parkwind N.V. | Wind | National
  • Powerfield Netherlands B.V. | Solar | National
  • RWE Renewables Benelux B.V. | Wind | National
  • Seaway7 Offshore Contractors B.V. | Wind | National
  • Shell Overseas Investments B.V. | Wind | National
  • Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy B.V. | Wind | National
  • Sif Netherlands B.V. | Wind | International
  • Solarwatt BV | Solar | International
  • SSE Renewables (The Netherlands) Holdings B.V. | Wind | National
  • Sunbeam B.V. | Solar | International
  • Sunrock Investments B.V. | Solar| International
  • TenneT Holding B.V. | Wind | International
  • TotalEnergies Renewables Nederland | Wind | National
  • B.V. Twentsche Kabelfabriek | Wind | National
  • Van Oord Offshore Wind B.V. | Wind | National
  • Vattenfall N.V. | Wind & Solar | International
  • Vestas Benelux B.V. | Wind | National
  • Yellow Step Solar B.V. (KiesZon) | Solar | National
  • Zonunie Development B.V. | Solar | National

Civil Society Organisations and knowledge institutions

  • Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond in Nederland (CNV)
  • Federatie Nederlandse Vakverenigingen (FNV)
  • IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands
  • North Sea Foundation
  • Stichting Terre des Hommes Nederland
  • The Danish Institute for Human Rights


  • Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy of the Kingdom of the Netherland
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Contracting Authorities and Renewable Energy Technology Platforms (CAPs)

  • The Central Government Real Estate Agency
  • Vereniging Eigen Huis

The Supporting Organisations

  • ASN Bank
  • ASN Impact Investors
  • Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP
  • Stichting TKI Wind op Zee
  • Vereniging Energie-Nederland
  • Nederlandse Vereniging Duurzame Energie
  • WindEurope asbl/vzw

Scope of due diligence application

Companies participating in this Agreement may choose the sectoral (wind and/or solar) and geographical (national/international) scope of their due diligence commitment arising from this Agreement. The list above provides an overview of the participating companies and the respective sectoral and geographical scope chosen by them. A national scope refers to the activities of a company within the Netherlands. Note that this also includes all operations and supply chains connected to their activities on the Dutch market. An international scope refers to all the relevant activities of the company worldwide.