
Final evaluation: Metals Agreement has potential for follow-up


Parties to the International RBC Agreement for the Metal Sector have concluded five years of cooperation. The Agreement has increased companies' awareness of due diligence, risks in the value chain and sustainability legislation and regulations. Not all objectives have been achieved, but the results provide an important basis for further cooperation.

FME intensifies cooperation with IRBC Agreement for the Metals Sector


FME, the business association for the technology industry, has been involved as a supporting organisation of the Metals Agreement since its launch in 2019. To further strengthen the ties with the Agreement, the organisation is joining the Metals Agreement as a party.

New tool helps companies to map risks in value chain


Parties to the International RBC Agreement for the Metals Sector have developed a new tool: the Due Diligence Risk Matrix. The Matrix gives an overview of the risks for 39 main raw materials within the metals sector.

Kasius Sieraden B.V. signs IRBC Agreement for the Metals Sector


Jewellery company Kasius has signed the IRBC Agreement for the Metals Sector. By participating in the agreement, the company aims to develop new ways to reduce its environmental footprint and promote responsible practices in the supply chain.

Parties to the Agreement for the Metal Sector strengthen confidence in a productive fourth year


The parties to the IRBC Agreement for the Metal Sector can look back on a productive year. Trust between the parties was strengthened. This resulted in active new collaborations on themes such as health and safety in mines and the risks of child labor in metal recycling. In addition, thanks to training, companies' knowledge of international responsibility business conduct (IRBC) increased. All this can be read in the fourth annual report (2022-2023).

Wholesaler MCB signs IRBC Agreement for the metals sector


Metals wholesaler MCB signed the IRBC Agreement for the Metals Sector. By acceding to the agreement, the company aims to further professionalise the actions it is already taking to reduce its impact on the environment. MCB is the first metals wholesaler to join the agreement, after metal processors and recyclers already joined. This marks the next step in realizing a responsible metal chain.

Metals Agreement’s collective project tackles OSH risks in Bolivia and Peru


The IRBC Agreement for the metals sector commences a collective project to address labour rights violations and health and safety risks in the mining industry in Bolivia and Peru. Project leader CNV Internationaal works on this together with Tata Steel Nederland and Wuppermann Staal Nederland. The project has a duration of two years.

Parties to the Agreement for the Metals Sector strengthen cooperation in challenging third year


Parties to the International RBC Agreement for the Metals Sector look back on a challenging year. International developments such as the war in Ukraine and rising energy prices had a major impact on the sector. The urgency to realise responsible metals value chains is felt by the Parties to the Agreement, as is apparent from the annual report 2021-2022.

Parties to the Metals Agreement visit the A&M Group


How do you work together on due diligence in the metals sector? And what challenges and opportunities does this bring? During a working visit to the A&M Group (A&M Recycling and In2Waste Solutions), the parties to the Metals Agreement discussed this with each other.

Side event OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains: responsible sourcing for a just energy transition


The 15th OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains will take place on 2-6 May 2022. CNV International and other members of the International RBC Agreement for the Metals Sector will be organising an official partner session during the Forum. The side event offers the opportunity the learn more about a multi-stakeholder approach to identify and mitigate the hidden risks of the global energy transition in key mining supply chains.