The parties to the agreement are grouped into five constituencies: companies, industry associations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), trade unions and the government.
The following organisations are Signatories: A&M Recycling | In2Waste Solutions, Century Aluminum Vlissingen, Climax Molybdenum, trade union federation CNV Internationaal, Eurometaux, trade association FME, trade union federation FNV, Global March against Child Labour, Gooimeer, IUCN Netherlands, Kasius, Krommenhoek Metals, MCB Nederland, trade association Metaal Nederland, the Dutch Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Nyrstar Netherlands, Raak Metals, Royal IHC, Smart-M, the Dutch Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Tata Steel Netherlands, Uzimet and Wuppermann Staal Netherlands.
In addition, supporting organisations participate. They endorse the spirit, objectives and ambitions of the agreement and they contribute to specific activities. Supporting organisations do not take part in decision-making. The supporting organisations are: BetterCoal, International Tin Association, International Zinc Association, Metaal Recycling Federatie, and Terre des Hommes.